My Journey to Grey

In 2020 I joined a Facebook group called Going Grey Gracefully. It is a space where women who have decided to stop coloring their hair and grow out their natural hair color can congregate and support one another. I stalked the group for several months, pondering whether or not to do it.

I took the plunge in March of 2021.

No more fighting nature, no more pretending, no more comparing, no more following a ridiculous set of beauty standards that have been thrust upon me by society.

No more abandoning who I am to meet the expectations of others.

No more.

So I began a journey like no other.

A journey of discovering how strong I am.

A journey of seeing myself in a different light.

A journey of exploring what is AMAZING about me, instead of worrying about what’s wrong with me.

A journey of celebrating everything that I AM, instead of focusing on what I am not.

A journey that has led me through:

Running half marathons, climbing mountains, going to concerts, leading zoom meetings, public speaking, getting certified as a fitness instructor, taking hundreds of selfies, stepping into new roles left and right, parenting my kids, going to school meetings, wearing a bikini, getting new tattoos, ALL WHILE GROWING OUT MY NATURAL HAIR.

Ladies, believe me when I tell you that this journey is NOT about the destination. It is about WHO YOU BECOME in the process!


This is what happens when you make this commitment:

You build confidence as you realize that you are so much more than hair.

You become stronger in your convictions as you reflect on what really matters.

Your circle changes, as you realize who are true friends, and who are not.

You begin to notice how many other women have also undergone this journey, that the grey isn’t actually all that uncommon.

You become empowered by other women who are rooting you on.

You speak up to women you meet who are also on the journey, and you give them support.

You become an encourager of authenticity, and an appreciator of inner beauty.

You learn to celebrate the little wins, and to ignore your defeats.

You begin to not care what others think.

You begin to understand how pervasive judgement is in our society, and you begin to stop judging yourself.

You learn to tell yourself “I got this,” even when others won’t. Especially when others won’t.

You become your own biggest cheerleader.

You discover self love, grace and compassion.

Once you get started on this journey, you have a new understanding of life and living.
And when you get that last haircut and you are done,
you realize that this is not an ending,
it’s actually just the beginning.


If you are considering this journey, I say HELL YES, do it.

If you are on this journey, I’m rooting for you and with you.

If you are already a Silver Sister, YAY for YOU, and keep inspiring others!

I’d love to talk to you if you are in any of these spaces.

If you’re considering it, or are on the journey, this may be helpful:  

March 7, 2021 – September 7, 2022. 18 months of joy, tears, confusion, icky days, incredible days, fun days, horrible days, love, loss, heartbreak, encouragement, wins, losses, pain, laughter, frustration. But I did it. I’m 53 years old and feel like life has just begun. Let’s go!

Here is what helped me through the 18 months:

Hats, sunglasses, reading glasses, scarves, a smile, braids, enthusiasm, grit, regular interaction in this group, talking to others who are on the journey, new friends who are not in your immediate circle, opportunities to dress up and put on makeup, cool boots, fun activities that light me up and make me feel accomplished, ability to laugh at myself, funny memes at regular intervals (I’m not kidding, I now am obsessed with funny memes), understanding that I will never be the most beautiful person out there and that is perfectly ok, journaling, self acceptance, grace, time to cry under the covers when needed, ice cream when needed, acknowledgment of when I actually look pretty good (this can be really hard for some of us), and a list of friends to call for a pick me up for when I am feeling down. I hope this helps!

Go and Do, with Grace,


The end result (for now).

14 months in. The line halfway down was hard to look at.

Patterned dress and curls to divert attention.

Ugh, that orange! What was even happening?

Headbands help!

Braids were my “go to.”

The day I decided to do it. Boston, MA 3/7/21


Stacey Beat Me, But It Was Still a Win!


“I even love you when you yell at me at 60 MPH.”