Host a
Permission to Pause Workshop or Retreat

What is Permission to Pause?

Permission to Pause is a workshop experience
that offers a space to relax, reflect and rejuvenate.
It’s also an opportunity to learn the P.A.U.S.E. framework,
a powerful tool to help you manage stress
and show up as a great version of you.

Why We Do It

Today there is a mental health crisis going on. The past several years have brought fear, confusion,
and grief to our world. Boundaries between work and home life have all but disappeared. We often feel
that the world has “turned upside down.” Stress levels are at an all time high. People are working harder,
and yet are also feeling more unfulfilled and unhappy.
There is often a sense of “going through the motions” while we wait in hope that happiness will show up one day.

The good news is that people are waking up to this, and the conversation is shifting. The focus on emotional health and well being is now mainstream. Corporations, institutions, and organizations are focusing on employee wellness, because they know that happy, less stressed employees are more productive, and create a more positive work environment.

Individuals are becoming more aware that taking care of themselves is a worthy endeavor.
They know that self care is not selfish, but rather it is necessary if we are to show up as our best selves
to all the roles we play in life. People are taking charge of their lives and stepping into self care in droves.

Permission to Pause Workshops teach how to incorporate self care, mindfulness and reflection into our lives. This results in feelings of happiness and fulfillment, while also increasing the likelihood of achieving our goals, and creating great relationships all around.

Permission to pause reminds you to check in with yourself, and also shows you how to do it.

Through the collective pause, connections are made and supportive friendships are born.

What We Do

In this space, a guided experience is offered. It includes:

  • A gentle meditation and mindfulness practice

  • Reflection and Journaling

  • Discussion

  • Connection and sharing

Permission to Pause encourages participants to take a step back and re-center with themselves. Each experience is different and can be geared towards a specific focus.

Always offered with love and kindness, this gentle and easy workshop brings release of pent up energy; an opportunity to re-connect with self, and to make new connections with others.

The P.A.U.S.E Framework

In this space we also teach the P.A.U.S.E. Framework, which helps to:

  • De-stress and recenter

  • Make solid decisions that honor who you are

  • Harness your power

  • Create the experience of life that you want

Integrating the P.A.U.S.E. framework into your life allows you to shift from REACTOR mode into CREATOR mode.
Many of us feel like we are stumbling through life, dealing with everything that life throws at us.
The P.A.U.S.E. framework shows us how to shift that and step into our power to create.
We learn how to show up as a great version of ourselves to all of life.

How We Do It

  • A gathering of 5-40 people (in person) or up to 100 people (virtually)

  • An environment that feels safe and inviting

  • A connection between participants that creates a space where they are comfortable being open and vulnerable

  • Sharing of stories and an offering of journal prompts which encourage reflection

  • Discussion focused on acceptance, solutions, and steps to move forward

  • Mindful breathing, meditation, tools and takeaways

  • Breaks, small group discussions, and healthy snacks to facilitate a wonderful overall experience

Host a Permission to Pause Workshop for your staff, clients or group.
Ready to learn more?

The Permission to Pause experience leaves participants feeling:

  • More connected to self

  • Calmer and more peaceful

  • Like a weight has been lifted

  • With a renewed sense of self-awareness

  • Empowered to create change in their lives

    Additional Benefits Can Include:

  • Improved relationships

  • More patience with your children

  • More confidence in your decisions

  • Feeling more in control of your life

Permission to Pause is designed to share the gifts of intentional living, and to teach that we all are worthy of self care, rest and rejuvenation. Learning to incorporate intentional pauses into our day helps us to shut off the auto pilot and remain connected to our authentic self.

The workshop can be adapted for many groups, and is suitable for:

  • Corporate wellness events

  • Women’s Groups

  • Yoga Studios

  • Sports teams and other groups

  • College activity centers

  • Retreat centers

Are you ready to bring Permission to Pause to your group?

Permission to Pause can be brought to yoga studios, wellness centers, and any other venue that supports a gathering of 8-40 people. Workshop formats are available for a 2 hour, 3 hour, or half day experience.
Nancy will guide the experience, with assistance from your group, or alone, whichever is best for you.

Contact Nancy at 781-760-2061 or for more information.
Permission to Pause framework can be modified to design the experience that is right for your group.

Nancy Sawyer is a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach, group facilitator, speaker and event leader. She has been an entrepreneur for over 25 years and is also a certified Transformation Coach.

From past participants…

“I feel lighter in my body, calm, at peace.”

“Great combination of yoga, self-reflection and support. Very inspirational!”

“I feel like a weight has been lifted! I enjoyed it and would recommend it to others for sure.”

What They Are Saying: