Keeping it Real: Finding the Nerve to Be Your Authentic Self

Last week, our group discussion took a turn toward authenticity and vulnerability. We pondered on the idea that authenticity and vulnerability often come as a package deal.

In our daily lives, fitting in and seeking acceptance seems to be ingrained. It's like a default setting in our social DNA, a leftover from caveman (and cavewomen) days when exclusion from the group could mean dire consequences. Nowadays, not fitting in doesn't carry life-or-death stakes, but the pressure to conform still hangs around.

Let's face it: Wearing social masks is just a standard practice in our society.

We pretend to be something we're not, driven by an internal push to fit into certain crowds and avoid judgment. Interestingly, this behavior doesn't magically stop after high school; it tends to stick around well into adulthood.

Being authentic means putting down the mask and revealing your true self. It can be unnerving because acceptance is not guaranteed, and judgment and gossip might follow. But, well, that's life, and there are certain truths that we need to accept and even expect.

Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.”
— Brene Brown

Authenticity demands vulnerability. Shifting to authenticity can lead to significant life changes – long-term friendships and relationships may end, and opportunities may shift. These aren't necessarily negative outcomes; they're just part of the deal.

Here's the reality check: When you show up as your authentic self, a few things happen.

You’ll find your tribe, the people who accept you for you. Those who are judgmental or snobbish tend to fade away. Note: This is not a loss, but more like a recalibration.

Opportunities that are aligned with your values start to show up. And you can begin to make choices based on what you genuinely want, not what looks good to others. As a result, you may feel happier and more fulfilled, as you make choices that feed your soul rather than leave you feeling empty.

If authenticity is a priority for you, brace yourself for vulnerability.

I want you to know that in a world that glorifies unattainable perfection,
being human is perfectly okay.

Rejection from others reflects their true colors, not yours. Opportunities that slip away weren't on the path you wanted anyway.

So, go ahead, be yourself, share what matters to you, and let the rest fade into the background. Embrace authenticity without fear – it's just another step in living intentionally and creating the life you want.

Go and do, with grace,


Who are you, underneath it all? Are you ready to show the world?


Words Taken To Heart


Leaves, Life and Letting Go