Leaves, Life and Letting Go

Yesterday morning, I headed out for a run, hoping to beat the approaching wind and rain storm. Little did I know, this 7 miles would help me explore a profound metaphor for life and an insightful reflection on the passing year.

A mile into my run, I stumbled upon a breathtaking sight—a tree that had shed its leaves, seemingly all at once, leaving behind a radiant, golden carpet. Each leaf, a stunning hue of brilliant yellow, transformed the green lawn into a warm and inviting golden image. It was nature's final flourish before winter's embrace.

As I marveled at this spectacle, I paused my thoughts and pondered the remarkable cycle of nature. In their farewell, these fallen leaves created a beautiful tapestry, a reminder of the cycle of life which left me feeling warm and happy. It brought to me thoughts of happy moments that are gone now, but not forgotten.

I thought about how, if these leaves were in my yard, I wouldn't rush to rake them up; instead, I'd savor their beauty as they slowly decomposed, becoming part of the earth once again.

Continuing my run, a few blocks down I encountered another scene—a yard partially raked, with scattered piles of brown leaves. Unlike the golden carpet, these leaves did not evoke warmth and joy; they appeared drab and gloomy, and reminded me of negative experiences and interactions. Also it seemed to be a messy task demanding cleanup. This striking contrast to the yellow carpet I had just passed by with a smile led me to contemplate the parallels with experiences in our lives.

With December upon us, thoughts of 2024 and reflections of 2023 consume my mind. The two contrasting leaf scenarios became a poignant analogy for year-end contemplation. As I review the past year, I ask myself: What experiences have left a beautiful yellow carpet on my soul? What moments, situations, and relationships have contributed to warmth, love, and fulfillment?

Just like with the leaves in my analogy, we have the power to choose which experiences become a part of us. Some, like the beautiful yellow carpet leaves, deserve to stay and enrich our souls. Others, akin to the messy brown leaves, are best raked up and disposed of, creating green space for new growth in the coming year.

So as I reflect on 2023, I’ll consider the experiences that left beauty, happiness, and joy in my life.
I’ll identify the moments that lifted me up, and the people that helped my light to shine. These are the things I’ll cherish, much like a precious yellow carpet, and I’ll allow them
to weave into the fabric of my being.

For the rest—the challenges, negative moments, and experiences that didn’t serve my growth — I’m grabbing that metaphorical rake and cleaning up my mental and emotional space, creating room for a fresh, green start in 2024. Just as nature sheds its leaves, I too can let go of what no longer serves me, making space for new opportunities, growth, and a vibrant future.

I find so much inspiration in all parts of nature, and most recently in the cycle of life and leaves. I look forward to a mindful, purposeful and intentional transition into the coming year.

My wish is that you too embrace the beauty, release the burdens, and prepare your soul for the blank canvas that 2024 is bringing our way.

Go and do, with grace,

- Nancy


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